
At the Internet Society Sudan Chapter office, adjacent to the west bank of the Blue Nile, four men decided to set up a local server capable of DNSSEC verification. It was an unplanned deployathon: a hands on, practical session in which a solution or service is deployed in a real-world scenario. Deployathons can help build technical capacity or set up a new service, and in this case, the men hoped to increase knowledge of DNSSEC and to prepare the individuals managing Sudan’s top-level domain (.sd) for signing in the near future.

Insecure routing is one of the most common paths for malicious threats. Attacks can take anywhere from hours to months to recognize. Inadvertent errors can take entire countries offline, while attackers can steal an individual’s data or hold an organization’s network hostage.
The Internet Society Sudan Chapter has launched the new Arabic Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) (سودان.), on 26 January 2016. The event was attended by the Minister of Telecommunication of Sudan, Heads of Universities, Telecom Operators and Members of the Community.